Monday, September 21, 2009

Mommy Diaries Part 5

As we approach the middle 2 year old stage we have come to value very much a nights long rest of uninterrupted slumber. However, our precious daughter has needs that she is compelled to have met regardless of what hour the clock on the nightstand reveals.

Robert made the observation recently that (while always disruptive) it is in some ways easier to allow her to cry during the night when she is simply whiny or fussy. It still concerns us. We're still waiting vigilently until she settles down. But oh how the situation is altered when instead of crying alone, she calls out, "Mommy!" or "Daddy!"

These cries are impossible to ignore! They demand a response. She is seeking our presence...whether we can actually help her or not. Her command is simply for us to come to her and meet her where she is.

In this moment I realize the importance of calling on the name of my God. My Father. My Creator. The importance of speaking His names and crying out for Him to just meet me where I am. As a parent, I know that these cries are impossible to ignore!

I may not always solve her problem to her satisfaction or give her the answer she is seeking (We do not watch Dora at 2:00 a.m. much to Avery's disapproval). But I guarantee she is comforted and receives a peace simply because I come to her. Because I respond to her call and I just meet her where she is. Even if just to hold her until she finds rest again.

He may not always solve my problems the way I plan them out. Or give me the answer I am seeking. But I guarantee that I am comforted and receive a peace simply because He comes to me. Simply because of His presence. He responds to my call and meets me where I am. Even if just to hold me until I find rest again.

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