Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Am I missing something?

How has church become so complicated? Nothing about Jesus is complicated. Complex...yes; overwhelming, of course...but complicated? Is it His best for us to be exhausted, burdened, and distraught? His Word says, "Come to me & I will give you rest", "My yolk is easy and My burden is light"...I'm not disillusioned to the fact that following Him is not always easy, but really... like this?

Isn't it our fundamental commission to 'go and make disciples'? How am I being equipped to go out into the world (or my neighbors yard) and show Christ's love there?

It seems we have become so concerned with 'addition' that we have lost sight of the fact that 'multiplication' is much more productive.

Where in scripture did Jesus coerse people to come to 'church' by promising meals or basketball or entertainment? He taught people in everyday settings in normal every day life... He began by investing in 12 men; poured His life into those 12. Then those 12 went out and made an impact for the kingdom.

How has it become so complicated? Programs, ministries, outreaches...they all sound worthy of our time and energy, but are they really fullfilling the purpose God intended? Or have we grossly missed the mark?

We're so busy with committees, discussions, Boards, sub-committees, Deaconate, elders, meetings upon meetings upon meetings - that we're over-complicating His purpose. We're spending precious time and energy wasting precious time and energy.

I have a hard time believing that God envisioned the church functioning this way. Is everything centered around loving others & making disciples? Showing Christ's love should be done every day by every one in every situation and it doesn't only come in the form of Wednesday night suppers or a Food Pantry or a Back To School Bash...those are events/ programs. It's much more difficult to do it in every day life.

Relationships are always more difficult than structured programs. But Jesus is all about relationships. And I want to be like Him more than I want to fit into a socially accepted ideal of church.

Even if my job depends on it.

Even if it scares the heck out of me.

Even if it's the most un-complicated decision I've ever had to make.

His Word is clear; the commandment is clear... not complicated.

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